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Muscle ReBoot & Effortless Rehab 

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When muscle inhibition was

     treated in the NBA

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The research says . . .

      original research on

      Muscle ReBooting 

Immediate consequences of acute injuries. 
The body almost always overreacts to injuries. When an injury occurs, the brain assumes the worst, it seems. RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) has been the recommended treatment for acute sprains and strains since the 1970s -- despite being of questionable value. It's primarily concerned with reducing inflammation, which suggests that the body has gone overboard in its response.

The brain also inhibits muscles when there is injury, pain or stress.  When those muscles are ReBooted shortly after the injury, the inflammation is aborted. Apparently, feedback from inhibited muscles gives the brain the impression that the joint is in more trouble than it actually is. Thus, rebooting muscles engenders immediate "healing". 

Muscle weakness (inhibition) is associated with most "named" conditions, like

Tennis elbow  (lateral epicondylitis) and golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis), plantar fasciitis, runner's knee, shin splints, whiplash, piriformis syndrome, ankle instability, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), and some shoulder impingement syndromes, as well as non-specific or unnamed problems like low back pain, neck pain, hip pain or pain anywhere in the body. 

Rehabbing following an injury:

Understanding muscle inhibition, we realize that much of what we call "rehabilitation" is the development and mastery of new muscle combinations to replace the muscles that are inhibited. This is "effortful" rehab, and its results will NEVER be complete. Research shows that we can't train inhibited muscles to work. They must be ReBooted. This is also a reason why often, we must continue to do rehab exercises or there is regression. Frequently, there is no need to specifically maintain an area if all its muscles are operating. Effortless Rehab, in these cases, lives up to its name.  

Chronic or unexplained local pain syndromes:

When some muscles are not contributing to movements, joints are not well supported. Sensing this instability, the brain must avoid certain movements, using pain as a signal to let us know not to do those movements. Muscles will be stiffened to protect the joint, and some muscles will be overworked as the brain attempts to do what it always did with fewer muscles. ReBooting the inhibited muscles can immediately return the joint and its muscles to full use. 

Pre-surgical conservative care:

Surgery addresses the ‘hardware’ of the body. Effortless Rehab, by eliminating ‘software’ malfunctions, may prevent or postpone surgeries.  I have seen all kinds of conditions, from "torn" muscles of the rotator cuff, to meniscus repairs of the knee, be symptomatically resolved, at least, by muscle ReBooting, making surgery unnecessary. 

Post-surgical restoration:

As in acute injuries, having the muscles all operational following surgery lets the brain know that it can begin to move normally. The point at which the surgeon says it is safe to begin physical therapy is when you should get the muscles around the area ReBooted. Not only will this relieve pain, it will, for the reasons stated above, also reduce the time and energy you need to put into rehab. 

Benefits of Effortless Rehab for athletes, dancers, musicians, sports teams, dance companies, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and so on.


  • Inhibited muscles accumulate over time. Muscles inhibited from one injury may precipitate the next, with new inhibition interacting unpredictably with existing inhibition, resulting in layers of adaptations. Those who use their muscle at a high level must have a way to reverse this progressive, lasting damage. 

  • Muscle Rebooting tests and corrects almost 600 muscle divisions across the body, from the jaw and neck to the fingers and toes. For instance, there are 13 different tests for the quadriceps and 6 for the hamstrings. All must be “on” to declare that the muscle is working properly. Only practitioners trained in these specialties have the knowledge of how to test all these muscles, much less correct them. 

  • The treatments are quick, usually taking only 10-20 minutes to restore the muscles in a given joint.

  •  Muscle weakness is a common denominator in many conditions, including ‘named’ conditions like ankle instability, tennis elbow, runner’s knee, plantar fasciitis, and iliotibial band syndrome, but it is also found in unexplained and unnamed conditions.

  • Treating “healthy” performers is preventative. When muscles are inhibited, others compensate for their missing contribution, leading to overuse and imbalance in the remaining muscles and making them more prone to injury. Inhibition also leaves joints incompletely supported, causing instability or joint stiffening, both predisposing to injury. Reciprocal innervation may cause opposing muscles to become over-facilitated and part of body-wide chains of imbalance: quadriceps inhibition, for instance, may be part of the cause of hamstring tightness, which may lead to back spasms, and so on.

  • Inhibition may be the x-factor that turns ‘tweaked’ ankles, knees, shoulders, and so on into injuries that sideline an athlete. 

  • Training can be directed at the maximization of function. Therapies and exercise routines that are attempting to compensate for inhibited muscles are inherently more time-consuming, difficult, and painful for the performer and complex for trainers. Rehab without rebooting must work harder to restore function or workaround dysfunction before it can work to enhance it.

  • How much higher could a performer leap if all her muscles were participating? Is muscle inhibition part of the reason some players, despite being out of pain, fail to return to their pre-injury performance? Does the fact that some muscles are not fully contributing interfere with the fine coordination needed to do the precise movements necessary to be truly great? Without those nagging “minor” injuries that accumulate over a season, how much better could they perform?

  •  Restoration of “strength” tends to be permanent. “Permanent” is a word rarely uttered in rehabilitation, and of course the elimination of muscle inhibition doesn't free performers from the need to refine their movements, perfect their skills and enlarge their muscles. The correction of muscle inhibition can be imagined like removing malware from a computer: once the malware is eliminated, it generally doesn't return, unless something particular causes it to.

  • Millions of $ saved or earned? Let's look at the NBA. According to an analysis done by the NYC Data Science Academy, Denver Nuggets players, from 1998 through 2018, missed over 2800 games, about 140 per season, roughly the median for the league. This resulted in about $160 million in payments to players sitting on the bench. The Jazz, from 1985-2000, averaged about 63 games lost to injury. Consider the potential savings. In addition, a single-player sidelined, or a critical missed shot can be the difference between being eliminated or going on to the next round of the playoffs, with all the financial benefits that can be accrued.

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